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Edit or Cancel an Order

We understand sometimes you need to make a change or cancel an order you already placed. You can take most actions by locating your order in your Purchase History.  

Your order

Your order

If edit options aren’t available, it might be because:  

  • Your order is already on its way to you 
  • You ordered from a Marketplace seller who can’t cancel your order

If you can't edit or cancel your order, most items are returnable.  Review our return policy or start a return in your account after you receive the item.

Edit Items in an Order 

While your order is still preparing, you can:  

  • Add or remove items
  • Increase or decrease quantities
  • Allow or disallow substitutions 

How to edit items in an order: 

  1. Select Account
  2. Select Purchase History
  3. Select Edit items

Other Edit Options  

While your order is still preparing, you can also: 

  • Reschedule your timeslot
  • Choose a different store location
  • Edit your address
  • Change your payment method

To reschedule an order: 

  1. Select Account
  2. Select Purchase History
  3. Find the order and select View details
  4. Select Reschedule (Note: you can only reschedule an order once.)

Changes could take the order total over or under the $35 threshold. We charge a fee for orders under $35 and remove the fee in the event the order total exceeds $35. 

If there's a delay in your scheduled delivery, you may get a text message or push notification giving you the option to change your delivery order to a pickup order. You can choose a pickup time slot within the next 24 hours. If you pick up your order, we'll refund your delivery fees and tip. 

Cancel an order 

Here’s how to check if an item or order can be canceled: 

  1. Select Account
  2. Select Purchase History
  3. Find the order you want to cancel
  4. Scroll to the bottom and select Request Cancellation, if available

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